Monday, January 17, 2005

Save World/Money

I'm gonna let you in on a secret. I'm a hippie. I want to do all I can to help the environment. I don't litter, I hate putting gasoline into my car. I hate wasting electricity, so I turn off the light when I leave the room. So there are a lot of things I have been looking into to help me feel better about what I do in this world.

Windsave is one of those products so I can help with my electricity at home.

Prius is the car I want to help with our world's limited source of oil.

Voltaic Backpack is the backpack I want to help keep my gadgets charged without plugging them up to the outlet.

Segway is for my little treks around town so I don't have to use a car or fossil fuels to get there.

Ahh, when I can get here, I will not feel so bad about me being so wasteful.


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