Monday, January 10, 2005

Hey now...

This is my first entry for my blog... I have been "blogging" in my own webpage for years. I hate having to go in and doing all the HTML so I thought this would be a nice way for me to start it up again without so much hassle.

Well let me let you in on a secret of mine. I'm a freak for gadgets and technology. I don't know why, I just am. I'm also a psycho about music and also got nutty for movies. I guess I'm a media nut who like gadgets : )

Another, darker side of me, is really into Ghosts. I wouldn't call myself a "Ghost Hunter", but I'm a searcher. My goal is to find what I can't see. I have read dozens of book on ghostly places, and dozens more on people who investigate them. I like the history, I like the science of it all.

So there you have it... A little about me... And now what is this blog going to be about? hmmm, let me think... Oh, I got it! I will write about all that crap that I wrote about above. By George, I've got it.

Take care.


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