Monday, January 24, 2005

If you're a PIMP like me...

Then this is the belt buckle for you (damn I really want one).

You can peep them out at:
Iced Out and pick up a PIMP cup while you're at it.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Save World/Money

I'm gonna let you in on a secret. I'm a hippie. I want to do all I can to help the environment. I don't litter, I hate putting gasoline into my car. I hate wasting electricity, so I turn off the light when I leave the room. So there are a lot of things I have been looking into to help me feel better about what I do in this world.

Windsave is one of those products so I can help with my electricity at home.

Prius is the car I want to help with our world's limited source of oil.

Voltaic Backpack is the backpack I want to help keep my gadgets charged without plugging them up to the outlet.

Segway is for my little treks around town so I don't have to use a car or fossil fuels to get there.

Ahh, when I can get here, I will not feel so bad about me being so wasteful.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Idiots sue Verizon over Motorola V710

People are unbelievable. I know, let's sue a company that we selected as our wireless provider because they don't give us exactly what we want. That way, if we win (or even if we don't for that matter), they raise prices to help cover the cost of the lawsuit. This way, we get screwed either way! YAY!

Link to article on

Thursday, January 13, 2005

New Phones

I really am iching for a new phone... there are three that are in the running, but only one has been released (sort of). Here they are, so tell me which do you think I should buy...

BenQ P50

Sasmung i730

Audiovox VX6600

The audiovox is the only one currently released.


It has been soo nice here the last 3 days. Even though it has been overcast and a little rain, it has been in the 70's. I am loving it. Too bad next week is calling for the 20's. Oh well, I'll love it while it's here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New iPod

I'm and iPod lover. I have tons of music in MP3/AAC form. I needed an easy to use device with lots of memory. The iPod was a no-brainer. But, my stepdaughter wasn't in that boat. AND I didn't want to pay another $300 for her to have a couple hundred songs to carry around with her. So she got the Rio Carma. not bad, but not good either. Especially because it doesn't use AAC. If there was a song she wanted on it that was AAC, I would have to rip it to MP3. But not anymore...

This is the iPod shuffle (not the Super Bowl Shuffle). And I'm in love. The only gripe is there is no LCD, but for the price, you can't beat it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Free PPC Software

Handango have been giving out a software application for free each week for the last 5 weeks. I got into this only three weeks ago, but have been pleasently suprised at the quality of apps. These are generally priced from $10-$30 each. But for one week only a select app is FREE!!!


This week is a picture app - SplashPhoto - is exactly what I needed. My i700 doesn't really have a good picture program that came standard so I am excited to try this one out.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Hey now...

This is my first entry for my blog... I have been "blogging" in my own webpage for years. I hate having to go in and doing all the HTML so I thought this would be a nice way for me to start it up again without so much hassle.

Well let me let you in on a secret of mine. I'm a freak for gadgets and technology. I don't know why, I just am. I'm also a psycho about music and also got nutty for movies. I guess I'm a media nut who like gadgets : )

Another, darker side of me, is really into Ghosts. I wouldn't call myself a "Ghost Hunter", but I'm a searcher. My goal is to find what I can't see. I have read dozens of book on ghostly places, and dozens more on people who investigate them. I like the history, I like the science of it all.

So there you have it... A little about me... And now what is this blog going to be about? hmmm, let me think... Oh, I got it! I will write about all that crap that I wrote about above. By George, I've got it.

Take care.