Sunday, November 12, 2006

House Music Documentary

Colts 9-0 for second straight season

Colts' Official Website

They have been battling all year so far, unlike the cakewalk of last year. It's very exciting. I'm interested in how they fair in the playoffs this year. Time will tell.

Amos Lee Concert last night

Went to Amos Lee at Headliners last night.  Great show.  Too many people, and no place to sit. 

Mutlu opened the show. 

Christian Scott came on next.  I was really impressed as I had never heard of him.  If you like Jazz, check it out.  If you don't like Jazz, check it out : )

Carrie and I also got to hang out with some cool peeps.  Ryan & Melissa (who were at the Amos concert with us last year), and Melanie and Jeremy.  It was fun guys.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Saddam sentencing complete

Saddam has been ordered to be hanged. At least that is something that Iraq can be happy about. Now if they can get together as a country and stop killing one another... Article

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Who doesn't want to do a B&E

Pacers are 2 - 1 for start of season

Pacers started the season with a win over Charlotte (106-99), a loss to New Orleans (91-100), and a win over New York (109-95). Not too bad so far. Each game has had it's heroes too. I'm sure things will keep on the up and up. We'll see. I'm trying to work out some tickets for this year. I'm sure I'll be hitting a few games.