Monday, June 26, 2006

Cheap Games on the 4th @ Circuit City

Scientology Orientation video Part 10 of 10

It would be stupid but you could do it... You could also jump off a bridge, or blow your brains out...

More Scientology info

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Please help us with our Dog Vet bills

Nelly, our puppy (not really a puppy because she's 5) has fallen ill. She had to be rushed to the Vet's office last Saturday due to her not able to keep from having diarrhea. This turned into just blood being expelled. We love her very much, but the Dr bills are now approaching $1000. We are asking if anyone has a couple extra dollars that they would like to help donate, so we can keep her would be greatly appreciated. I unfortunately am not a rich man, and my wife is a full time student. Thanks for your time.

Any extra money we get, we will donate to the Local Humane Society in all of the people who have been so kind to donate.

Prius tops 500,000

Link to Yahoo!'s article

When are you going to work towards being Carbon 0?

Pirate Bay has some funny letters to Cease and Desist

FYI, I don't condone illegal downloading and think Bittorrent should be used for legal use only... Now on with the funnies...

Pirate Bay

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

As a music lover, I can say the RIAA Sucks. Now so do musicians!