Thursday, January 26, 2006

Finally. Artest for Stojakovik

A Final end to a rocky situation. I'm happy for it to end, so we can get a fresh start. Here are the links to some articles.

Pacer's release

10 things you should know

ESPN's take

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My Wife told me to do a search in Google for a friend of hers. It's kind of funny, because the only site that comes up is Mr.'s Nude Celebrity Reviews. The thing is, it doesn't show anything.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ghostbusters the Movie - As an Animated gif!

Here's a surprisingly comprehensive rendition of Ghostbusters, viewable as an animated gif

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Today is my 1yr Anniversary on Blogger!

So I figured I'd do a best of for 2005.

Fave music of 2005

Phoenix - United, Amos Lee - Amos Lee, Matisyahu - Live at, Jamiroquai - Dynamite

Fave movies of 2005

Wedding Crashers, 40 YO Virgin, Sin City, Longest Yard

Fave things in 2005

Online Gaming, iPod Color, Being Happy


Well here's to another year. Cheers.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Fatal1ty loses challenge at CES

Fatal1ty loses, the unfortunately (for him) named â??Try to Beat Fatal1tyâ?? Event at CES in a match that was described as â??beautiful intensity".

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Ubuntu File- And Print Server For Windows Workgroups

This is a detailed tutorial about the steps to set up a Ubuntu based server (Ubuntu 5.10 - Breezy Badger) to act as file- and print server for Windows workstations in small workgroups.

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Friday, January 06, 2006

The Darwin Awards: Prizes honor the demise of the un-fittest.

The annual Darwin Award salutes 'the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who remove themselves from it." These are the most morbidly hilarious tales of doom from 2005.

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RIAA's Worst Nightmare: Automatic Wireless MP3 Sharing

The Viktoria Institute in Gothenburg, Sweden, is working on a concept they call Push Music, which is software that enables peer-to-peer connections between music players, enabling people to "browse" the music collections of others and take a copy of whatever they like.

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Sega Genesis Lives! New Genesis Game To Be Released Spring 2006

Sure a new game hasn't been released for the Sega Genesis in America since 1998, but that hasn't stopped San Diego developer Super Fighting Team from releasing Beggar Prince -- a brand new RPG for Sega's beloved system.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

RIAA guilty of Price Fixing? NY is investigating...

This time they're not going after Sony and it's rootkit. The State of New York is investigating PRICE FIXING by the RIAA and a possible violation of Anti-Trust Law. --- "Any evidence that executives had agreed to offer similar terms or wholesale prices to companies like Apple and Napster could trigger an antitrust lawsuit against the companies".

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Fark's best Photoshops of 2005

A collection of user's favorite photoshoppings in 2005.

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An amazing voice synthesizer!

Just enter your text, select a language, click play, download the wav and be amazed! Good bye MS Sam!

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I-Pod Heist at Comp USA in Connecticut - (Watch the VIDEO)

Just saw the report on TV, Comp USA in Manchester CT (I was there just last week) - Watch the video, these guys walked right up behind the counter and they took 25 IPODS then walked right out - with NO employees watching the store!

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7 year old finishes second in the largest Halo FFA of all-time!

At MLG Chicago, Lil Poison proved what the hardcore MLG community already knew -- that there is no gimmick behind his play. He's not â??good for a 7-year-old.â?? He's great, period.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Google map of open webcams

This is a Google map of unprotected/open camera streams obtained from Google searches. The IP addresses for each camera has been mapped to it's Geolocation.

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Download Free CD Covers

FindMyCover is powered by ajax and allows you to easily download CD covers. Works fast and is simple to use.

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

RIAA Try New Scare Tactics

Visitors to the site are being shown their own IP address and told that it was "LOGGED" (in all capital letters) -- as if there's something illegal about visiting the website. Rather than worry people, this is mostly just causing people to laugh at the RIAA.

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A little Linux can revive a pokey PC

If you have an old PC just standing there in the corner give it a new lease on life...

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First 15 minutes of 9/11 attacks on the web

Riveting descriptions of the first 15 minutes of live TV/radio coverage of the attacks: "If Gumbel seemed to somehow miss the crash of the second plane, he was the only anchor who thought he saw non-existent third and fourth jets approach the burning towers at 9:41. "Hold it, hold it!" said a near-panicky Gumbel to his guest...

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Monday, January 02, 2006

Blog Software Comparison Chart

This chart compares the most popular blog software. It is helpful when you can't decide which blog service you want to use. All the information is in a simple chart. Everyone should check it out before registering for a blog.

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Just Installed Linux? Here's What You Should Know.

Maybe "n00b" information to those of you who are 1337, but it's need-to-know stuff for people switching to Linux.

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Record labels continue to sucker punch music consumers.

I am a consumer of music. Always have been. But record labels do not want my money anymore.

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