Saturday, December 31, 2005

New digital camera? Know how, where you can use it

If you like to shoot pictures of strangers while you're out and about this is a must read. Basically, if you can see it, you can shoot it. Also someone cannot demand you turn over your camera or your digital media or film. Well, they can demand it, but you are under no legal obligation to give it to them.

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Indiana pushing a gaming law that's failed pretty much everywhere else

Ars has added their commentary to an Indiana state senator's attempt to push legislation that would keep children from buying violent video games. What's hilarious is that this same law has pretty much failed in every other state it's been proposed in. What's even funnier? Indiana already tried to pass similar laws in 2000 and it failed then.

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Friday, December 30, 2005

RIAA Accused Of Coaching 15-Year-Old Witness In File Sharing Suit

Apparently, the lawyers for the RIAA had contacted her [15 year old girl], urging her to testify against the defendants, her employers. Combined with the fact that no other person who testified could recall the defendants ever using the computer to listen to music, it certainly seems to support the story that they did not do so.

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Oxidised water allows you to "breathe" underwater.

The digg story about the "dry water" also has some other side-effects. Turns out that if you oxidise this liquid a normal animal (such as a mouse) or human can easily "breathe" the liquid into their lungs and fully function. Here is an experiment on a mouse using a similar solution.

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Programmer stands up to the RIAA bully

Another person challenges the RIAA's litigation. Nice to see more people fighting back. "Today, December 28th, he has moved to knock out the third underpinning of the RIAA John Doe weaponry -- the ex parte order."

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Dreamcast Lives! Under Defeat Coming 3/23/2006

Sega's at it again with yet another release for the "dead" Dreamcast. With Radiligy already announced for a Feb. 2006 release someone at Sega apparently decided that March 2006 needed a Dreamcast shooter release as well.

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Treatment for AIDS is working!

Very interesting story of how AIDS is being treated in Botswana. It seems that they are now able to slow the progression of the disease down, but still are not able to stow it totally. It's a step towards a cure...

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Simple Pill That Prevents Cancer

A daily dose of vitamin D could cut the risk of cancers of the breast, colon and ovary by up to a half, a 40-year review of research has found.

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How the RIAA gets its victims

A detailed explanation on how exactly one gets sued by the RIAA. Lawyer Ray Beckerman, who's been working with Patti Santangelo in her defense, explains how "justice" is served, RIAA style...

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The Truth Behind Bananas

After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

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Star Wars Fan Flick (made with only one camera)

These guys were able to make a movie with only a $400 digital camera and a greenscreen -- there are no sets being used!

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7 of the top 10 Podcasts on Podnova are by former TechTV stars

With Leo Laporte, Alex Albrecht, Kevin Rose, Amber MacArthur, Chris Pirillo, John C. Dvorak, Patrick Norton, David Prager, Robert Heron, Roger Chang, and more. These kind of ratings are crazy. How did TechTV ever go off the air?

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iPod video torrents via one link

This site lists various torrent repositories that have sprung up that are dedicated to letting you download videos for your video enabled iPod.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

U.S. vs. the world on file-sharing

Is the United States getting increasingly out of touch with the rest of the world where technology matters are concerned?

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The RIAA explains why CDs cost so much

Whenever I'm in need for some laughs I just read their website.

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RIAA To Russians: Stop it.. or... we'll ask you to stop again!

The RIAA has convinced the Senate to try and strong arm the Russians into enacting tougher intellectual property laws... the government couldn't do it with nuclear arms, I wonder what the recording industry is going to aim at them?

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Maxtor 300GB 7200 RPM 16MB for $80

CompUSA is having a after Christmas deal party. From this week's cicular, you can get a Maxtor 300GB HD for $80 after instant savings and a mail in rebate.

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File-Sharing Winners & Losers of 2005: RIAA = Loser.

"Most people, I think, don't even know what a Rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"

Remember those words? They�re true. Most people didn�t know what a rootkit was. But Sony-BMG gave us all an excellent education on rootkits, spyware, and Digital Rights Management.

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AIDS vaccine dealyed? Drug Companies see no incentive to release it.

Greed, that sums up the Drug Companies pretty well.

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New York goes after the RIAA

Elliot Spitzer has slapped subpoenas on 'the four largest record labels'. Looks like he too doesn't like the idea of iTunes changing to a variable pricing model as suggested by the RIAA et al...

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RIAA shooting itself in the foot and quickly reloading

A compilation with commentary of many of the stupid things the RIAA has been doing recently. Kind of funny to see it all in one place.

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$200 Web and File Server

Instructions and pricing for building a cheap, fast and reliable 24/7 web and file server at the paltry sum of $200. No rebates involved! The server is intended to be used for central file storage, backups, FTP remote access to files and/or as a fully functional web/database host for lower traffic websites.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Free IPod Content

Wired News has your back with a roundup of some of the best free iPod content on the net.

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

RIAA To Russians: Stop it.. or... we'll ask you to stop again!

The RIAA has convinced the Senate to try and strong arm the Russians into enacting tougher intellectual property laws... the government couldn't do it with nuclear arms, I wonder what the recording industry is going to aim at them?

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new torrent search site they let you search 20 torrent sites it rocks.

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Drag and Drop to convert files for Ipod Video (PC)

I played with this and it does a good a job! very simple and easy and FREE! You can probaly get better quality encoding with other methods but this one is idiot-proof. Give it a go.

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Friday, December 23, 2005

U.S. vs. the world on file-sharing

Is the United States getting increasingly out of touch with the rest of the world where technology matters are concerned?

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Green Tea Extract Kills Leukemia Cells

A green tea extract may help patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Report author Tait Shanafelt said: 'Green tea has long been thought to have cancer-prevention capabilities. It is exciting that research is now demonstrating this agent may provide new hope for CLL patients.'

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Breakthrough in HIV research

St. Louis scientists say they've determined how HIV invades healthy cells -- and that could lead to greatly improved drug therapies to fight the deadly disease....Get ready to throw away that dusty old box of condoms...

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Free Xbox Live Diamond Card From Microsoft

Microsoft is slipping Xbox Live subscribers a little surprise Christmas present. At 3 p.m. PT, Microsoft will unveil the Xbox Live Diamond Card. The card gives Xbox Live paid subscribers exclusive benefits and discounts from stores, restaurants and retailers.

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Top 10 Photoshop Tutorials of 2005

A top10 list with some of the best Photoshop tutorials of 2005.

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Why did this ZdNet Writer choose to leach from me?

I was looking through my site's logs and noticed that a significant amount of bandwidth was being pulled from a ZDNET site. So I decided to photoshop a picture with the author so that maybe he'll learn to not leach images again.
this is hiliarious!

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iTunes 7 burn limit

If you've taken a strong interest in iTunes, you're undoubtedly aware that the current version of the program allows you to burn seven duplicate copies of a playlist that contains music purchased from the iTunes Music Store. But you may be wondering what needs to be modified in that playlist in order for you to burn seven additional copies.
Very good info

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Monday, December 19, 2005

"Analog hole" legislation introduced

A frightening bit of legislation was introduced to the US House Judiciary Committee on Friday. This act would close that pesky analog hole that poses such a dire threat to the survival of the music and movie industries.

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lavasoft launches the ARIES Rootkit Remover

The ARIES Rootkit Remover aims to remove the Sony Rootkit for good. Currently a standalone tool, this application provides a reliable, trustworthy, and safe way of removing the root-kit, unlike Sony's own root-kit remover that has been known to cause blue screens. Help remove the Sony Rootkit for good!

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Official: access gmail from your mobile..!!

yeah i know there have been other althernatives.. but now its official from google..!

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Shocked Scientists Find Tsunami Legacy: A Dead Sea

" A "DEAD zone" devoid of life has been discovered at the epicentre of last year's tsunami four kilometres beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean.

Scientists taking part in a worldwide marine survey made an 11-hour dive at the site five months after the disaster. "

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RIAA's propaganda site

This is a link to the RIAA's site that was designed to spread propaganda against file sharing its actually quite funny.
RIAA are a bunch of crooks themselves!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Strange new object found at edge of Solar System

A large object has been found beyond Pluto travelling in an orbit tilted by 47 degrees to most other bodies in the solar system. Astronomers are at a loss to explain why the object's orbit is so off-kilter while being almost circular.
space is sooo... spacious

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Band Makes Its Own Recall Of Sony

Artists are beginning to stand up to Sony

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

New coke to blend coffee and coke

New "Coke Blak" is a new coffee/coke drink by Coca-Cola

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Monday, December 12, 2005

Colts still undefeated, should try for it all

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Artest says he wants to be traded!

This is a sad day. Especially because I feel he owes it to the organization to stay after sticking with him after the brawl.

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Copyright Free Movie Torrents

Public Domain Torrents offers an extensive collection of Classic and B-Movie torrents. The copyright of these movies has expired so you are free to share them.
more goodies for my PDA, YAY!

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Turn Your Pocket PC Into An Ipod!

Turn your Pocket PC into an iPod using a very easy to install program! This is definitely a find for me, gonna download before they take it down!
I was hoping this would come out again - I need this big time!!! I'm going to download it as soon as I get home.

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The houses of Ellison, Gates, Dell, and Jobs

Forbes has an article "Homes of the Billionaires, 2005" which features a slide-show. Some of our favorite high-tech folks are features. Personally, I like Bill's house the best!
I love looking at rich people's houses : )

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Teen Arrested For Threatening to Torture and Kill Jack Thompson

Wow, a 16-year-old threatened to torture and kill Jack Thompson. The details of the torture are "so grotesque that they cannot be properly placed in this news release," says Jack Thompson. Way to re-enforce the negative gaming stereotype!
This is wacked out. Jack Thompson is wacked out. But this kid is more wached out. Do you follow?

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NBA to create searchabe archive of every minute ever filmed

The league, working with Silicon Graphics, is setting out to create a digital archive of the entire filmed history of its games. Every minute of NBA footage will soon be searchable by the general public.

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