Thursday, July 28, 2005

2005 Paranormal Conference info

I went last year and had a blast. I don't know yet if if I'm going this year... Maybe I will.

It's our 2 year anniversary!

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I've enjoyed watching the Tour the last couple of years, and now I'm sad to see he won't be racing anymore.

Friday, July 22, 2005


Ok... First off, the shark size is impressive. BUT, I would rather this thing still be in the ocean, LIVING! Why take such a specimen from it's habitat, and KILL it, for the sake of a shark tourney? No one is gonna eat it, no one is gonna study it for science. It's a useless/needless kill.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Yay!!! It really is coming out!

I posted on this a month or so ago. It's the iPod mixer from Numark and I'm getting one. It should be released this summer per the Engadget post.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Terrell Owens is a Jackass!!!

This is my rant!!!

I hope the Eagles don't give in to this little brat. He is the one who sign his contract just 1 year ago. If he didn't like the money he was getting paid, he shouldn't have signed with them. AND there should be some recourse if he does not show up for camp. I think the Eagles should be able to recoup for their loss in talent from TO's bank account. He is a winey millionare, who thinks he deserves more.


Monday, July 18, 2005

Brown no longer coaching Pistons

Saw Wedding Crashers yesterday

Carrie, Bill, and Suzy went and we all thought it was fu**ing hilarious!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Can Lance keep the Yellow... follow the TDF

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Pick up these Albums

I have been meaning to post these CDs. I'm currently rocking/loving these.

Finally a good reality show.

Here's a show that actually helps the people on it, instead of people trying to make celebrities.

Bastille Day, but Lance holds on to Yellow

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Zabriskie crashes, Armstrong takes Yellow

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Live 8 starts today!

Tour De France starts today.

Carrie and I are big fans. I'm very anxious for it to get underway.

ESPN's coverage of the Tour

OLN TV's coverage of the Tour

Luther Vandross passes

And it sucks!